[EN] Four players outside the Exagon (called Qoin in Liquid Training), only three with ball.
The free player in the middle calls a pass from one of the three owning a ball moving to receive it, and then makes a pass to the fourth mate on the Qoin without the ball; in the while the other two players not involved must guide their ball switching their positions.
- The coach may be calling, every time or sporadically, which player must make the pass;
- Touches: free, 2, 1 for the free man in the middle of the Qoin;
- Instead of switching their position, the players not involved, with a double contemporaneous pass, switch their ball.
[IT] Quattro giocatori disposti sui lati di un esagono (chiamato Moneta nel Liquid Training), solo tre con il pallone.
Il giocatore al centro chiama un passaggio da uno dei compagni in possesso muovendosi per ricevere la palla e successivamente la trasmette al compagno senza la palla; nel frattempo i due giocatori restanti devono scambiarsi posizione guidando la palla.
- Può essere l'allenatore a chiamare, di volta in volta o sporadicamente, quale giocatore deve effettuare il passaggio;
- Tocchi: liberi, 2, 1 per il giocatore al centro della Moneta;
- I due giocatori non coinvolti invece di scambiare la propria posizione di devono scambiare la palla con un doppio passaggio contemporaneo.
[EN] Four players outside the Exagon (called Qoin in Liquid Training), only three with ball.
The free player in the middle calls a pass from one of the three owning a ball moving to receive it, and then makes a pass to the fourth mate on the Qoin without the ball; in the while the other two players not involved must guide their ball in one of the free sides of the Qoin.
- The coach may be calling, every time or sporadically, which player must make the pass;
- Touches: free, 2, 1 for the free man in the middle of the Qoin.
[IT] Quattro giocatori disposti sui lati di un esagono (chiamato Moneta nel Liquid Training), solo tre con il pallone.
Il giocatore al centro chiama un passaggio da uno dei compagni in possesso muovendosi per ricevere la palla e successivamente la trasmette al compagno senza la palla; nel frattempo i due giocatori restanti devono raggiungere in guida uno dei due lati liberi della Moneta.
- Può essere l'allenatore a chiamare, di volta in volta o sporadicamente, quale giocatore deve effettuare il passaggio;
- Tocchi: liberi, 2, 1 per il giocatore al centro della Moneta.
[EN] Four players outside the Exagon (called Qoin in Liquid Training), only three with ball.
The free player in the middle calls a pass from one of the three owning a ball moving to receive it, and then makes a pass to the fourth mate on the Qoin without the ball which returns back him. Then this two players switch their positions.
- The coach may be calling, every time or sporadically, which player must make the pass;
- Touches: free, 2, 1 for the free man in the middle of the Qoin.
[IT] Quattro giocatori disposti sui lati di un esagono (chiamato Moneta nel Liquid Training), solo tre con il pallone.
Il giocatore al centro chiama un passaggio da uno dei compagni in possesso muovendosi per ricevere la palla e successivamente la trasmette al compagno senza la palla, questi gliela restituisci e viene a giocare al centro del campo mentre il compagno prende il suo posto.
- Può essere l'allenatore a chiamare, di volta in volta o sporadicamente, quale giocatore deve effettuare il passaggio;
- Tocchi: liberi, 2, 1 per il giocatore al centro della Moneta.
[EN] Four players outside the Exagon (called Qoin in Liquid Training), only three with ball.
The free player in the middle calls a pass from one of the three owning a ball moving to receive it, and then makes a pass to the fourth mate on the Qoin without the ball.
- The coach may be calling, every time or sporadically, which player must make the pass;
- Touches: free, 2, 1 for the free man in the middle of the Qoin.
[IT] Quattro giocatori disposti sui lati di un esagono (chiamato Moneta nel Liquid Training), solo tre con il pallone.
Il giocatore al centro chiama un passaggio da uno dei compagni in possesso muovendosi per ricevere la palla e successivamente la trasmette al compagno senza la palla.
- Può essere l'allenatore a chiamare, di volta in volta o sporadicamente, quale giocatore deve effettuare il passaggio;
- Tocchi: liberi, 2, 1 per il giocatore al centro della Moneta.
Set up: pitch 30x25m, cones, balls ...
Instructions: In the areas of a) and a1) is the four players the team in possession of the ball. and the two players opposite team. in the central b) zone there are four opposite players. Players who are in possession aim to develop stereotypes cooperation and technical communication skills in the possession of the ball. The team that was in possession aims to quickly transfer the ball from the zone a) in the zone a1), by adding or dribbling. In the event that the team transferred the ball in zone dribbling, remains the ratio 4 vs 2 held by a player of the team that has possession of the yarn in the zone where the ball is coming. Opposite team has the task quickly to reach the ball. Players in zone b) have the task made it difficult for the transfer of possession of a zone) in the zone a1).
Coaching points: Quality ball possession, decision-making, rapid transition in the game,
Duration: 2x7min; r/t 2min.
set up: pitch 30x25m, cones, balls ...
Instructions: We play 8 vs 8 possesion play in three zones.
Set up: Pitch 70x65m; cones, balls ...
Instructions: Good performance game 9 vs 9; Players play the game 9vs9. The aims of the teams are in continuous attack develop stereotypes of cooperation between midfielders and attackers, create chanses and score.
Coaching points: Stereotypes of cooperation in ball possesion, a fast transition by the lost and winning the balls.
Set up: Pitch 50x45 min; balls, cones ...
Instruction: Orientation game 7vs4+3; Players play an extra game in the field divided in two parts with a neutral side zones where there are defensive or offensive side players.The aim of the possesion team is that kept the ball in possesion in the playing relation 7 vs 4. Opposite possesion team aim is to take away the ball and pass to the players in second field and form relation for possesion game 7 vs 4.
Coaching points: Stereotypes of cooperation in possesion of the ball, a fast tranzition by the lost and winning the ball.
Duration 10 min.
Set up:Pitch 35x20m; balls; cones ...
Instruction: Players play an auxiliary game 4+4 vs 4 in the field divided into two parts with a neutral zones between. The ball possesion tean in court in relation 4 vs 2 aims good ball possesion. After a minimum of five mutual pass may or may not pass to team in another court. The opposite team aims is to take away the ball and pass to the team in another court and prevent passing to continue a game with the players in neutral zone.
Coaching points: stereotypes of cooperation in possesion of the ball, a fasttranzition by the lost or winning the ball.
Duration: 2x8 min; r/t 2 min.