Energy in motion.

The winner in happiness is the one who has many attitudes. (Silvio Ceccato). In the 80s Silvio Ceccato in "Engineering of Happiness" (Rizzoli, Milan 1985) addressed the theme relating to attentional and nervous energy. "This energy delivered from a source, in our case from the nervous system, has various possibilities. It can expand or…

0 Comments8 Minutes

Generation of play alternatives

In previous interventions we reflected on the high volatility of situations, a thousand and more times in total, during a match. Based on this reality, it is necessary to improve the ability to make decisions in a very short time. And since it is clear that no situation can be identical to another, dispensing solutions is absolutely…

0 Comments9 Minutes

Breaking the defensive line: PSV’s “third man”.

In this new little analysis we abandon the "stopped ball" situations to see how Schimdt's PSV managed to score twice against league leaders Ajax coached by Ten Hag, in the top 10 clash January finished 2-2.

0 Comments14 Minutes

It costs less for stephen curry

Cheap or Resistant?< /p>  I became aware of this video thanks to my brother, a professional basketball player, who, showing it to me, expressed his disbelief not so much for the technical performance (for heaven's sake I think he never achieved 105 consecutive…

0 Comments14 Minutes

Scoring from a throw-in: a lesson from Manchester United

In our official path we will analyze tactical aspects of the various moments of the game, in depth, also taking into account the preferential solutions that will be adopted by the top division teams to impose their own game or to address common problems within a championship . At the same time, however, we will focus on small situations…

0 Comments11 Minutes

The identity of the evolutionary process

We have been consciously trying to constantly work to improve our organizations for years now. It is common to think that the success of the organization, especially in the sporting field, is attributable to the resources deployed, mostly economic and human. In this limited vision, however, we run the risk of forgetting the history…

0 Comments4 Minutes

Truncated intentionality

Whenever in an educational proposal we eliminate an opponent or a direction of play, we favor and stimulate, on the part of our students or adult players, the development of truncated intentionality, no longer linked to the purposeof the action (I pass the ball onto my teammate's run because he has space behind the opposing lines of…

0 Comments2 Minutes

Managing complexity from an early age Is it possible to immerse the child, right from the start, within the complexity typical of the game of football? What are the reasons that lead us to change the classic paradigms of training for children? I'm talking to you about it today together with my friend and colleague Mattia Rizzo.  

0 Comments1 Minute

Coach and Manager, assonances on the pitch

The word Manager has been widely used in the sports field for years to also refer to the figure of the coach. The SPORTS MANAGER has a strategic and managerial focus, mainly dealing with the planning of the various processes of the organization. His skills also extend to economic, administrative and often legal aspects. The role…

0 Comments8 Minutes

Learning in the Game

There is always a first time for everything, to question yourself, to learn, to grow, to move away from a safe haven, to overcome limits through knowledge, to do all these things together in the time of a choice. However, every time you really ask yourself about learning in the game of football, everything changes, it is a first time…

0 Comments5 Minutes

The emergence of an illusion: playing with game times.

It is usually said that time is a key variable in the game. But does this phantom "time" really exist? Time could in fact be a great illusion. Certainly one of those illusions necessary for our lives. Contemporary physics claims that there is no such thing as “time” at a fundamental and elementary level of matter. Time is indeed real in…

0 Comments13 Minutes