September 5, 2023In Uncategorized4 Minutes

We have been consciously trying to constantly work to improve our organizations for years now. It is common to think that the success of the organization, especially in the sporting field, is attributable to the resources deployed, mostly economic and human.

In this limited vision, however, we run the risk of forgetting the history of the organization and everything that has determined its identity.

The concept of identity is directly linked to history and the place (Space-Time) in which the organization has expressed and expresses its value. Borrowing the physiological process of stress-accommodation, it seems logical to think how an organization, in order to express itself, carries out or has had to carry out continuous work in relation to the surrounding environment and that it has self-organised by putting survival/evolution choices to the ground. This necessary process, if conscious and outlined, involves all organizational resources and permeates the structure internally so much as to characterize it. The choices that are made to adapt to the opportunities or risks of the environment depend a lot on the principles and values of company leaders, it also seems logical to call them attractors. These values influence every strategic choice: from the economic one to that of the management and selection of personnel, passing through the more tactical ones relating to the resolution of problems and/or possible reconfiguration.

Identity success is therefore based in values, their leaders, organizational structure and the ability to align collective objectives with individual ones to satisfy the general and individual sense of belonging.

Right along the road to success lies the failure of the evolutionary process which, together with other factors, is summarized in the extremes of ideality. Having little sense of reality leads organizational leaders to idealize the evolutionary path which transforms it from a process in a linear manner to an organizational objective, neglecting the steps necessary to achieve maximum aspiration.

It is therefore essential to focus on the company Vision which becomes fundamental in the mutable capacity of corporate evolution. The constant comparison between company process and team process therefore leads to recognizing the fluid and circular ability of those who manage a team, starting from the identity process. The history of the team, of the people who are part of it, the description of the environmental factors, the individual objectives and those of the organization (vision) that structurally condition the success of the team.

Knowing and getting to know each other is a crucial stage in the identity process. Strengthen the concept of a sense of belonging and work for this, have the pleasure of structuring productive relationships that generate positive emotions and that can lead individuals to find a deeper reason in their work than simply “doing to obtain” moving on to “doing to to be”.

In the complex perspective of corporate self-organization, Eastern philosophies can offer food for thought if applied to generative processes. IKIGAI through the search (process) for a reason for living and KAIZEN for continuous improvement.

The journey is long and for this reason it must be undertaken with a hunger for knowledge and a critical ability to question not one’s own genesis but one’s own identity and expression.

September 5, 2023In Uncategorized4 Minutes