Youth soccer: a systems approach to learning in complexity

During the last twenty years, also thanks to the diffusion of the contribution of developmental cognitive neuroscience and the unfolding of the theory of complex dynamic systems (Thelen & Smith, 1994), scientists have found a meeting point between various disciplines, including psychology, biology, physics, adhering to a new…

0 Comments13 Minutes

Generation of play alternatives

In previous interventions we reflected on the high volatility of situations, a thousand and more times in total, during a match. Based on this reality, it is necessary to improve the ability to make decisions in a very short time. And since it is clear that no situation can be identical to another, dispensing solutions is absolutely…

0 Comments9 Minutes

Loosing your marker by offside like Suarez

“He was born offside”, this is what Ferguson said of Filippo Inzaghi a few years ago, a phrase which is then cyclically repeated to describe those attackers who always find the right time to mock the opposing defenses and sprint undisturbed, finding themselves then alone in front of the opposing goalkeeper. Certainly the advent of VAR…

0 Comments17 Minutes

Learning in the Game

There is always a first time for everything, to question yourself, to learn, to grow, to move away from a safe haven, to overcome limits through knowledge, to do all these things together in the time of a choice. However, every time you really ask yourself about learning in the game of football, everything changes, it is a first time…

0 Comments5 Minutes

The abductive moment in player training in contemporary football

In a gaming context such as the contemporary one in which processes of definition and expression of identity are at stake and, consequently, of creation and interpretation of meaning, understanding and manipulation of the context, dynamic definition and functional use of relationships with all the protagonists of the game, an…

0 Comments4 Minutes

Effective communication in life and on the field

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION IN LIFE AND ON THE FIELD In a world that is moving ever faster, the ability to attract and concentrate attention has become the real strength of some and the dilemma of others. “My kids don't pay attention when I talk!” “I have difficulty making people understand the task, they aren't used to concentrating!” You…

0 Comments17 Minutes

Proposals to create an exciting and motivating environment in times of covid-19 in the youth sector

COVID-19 AND EMOTIONS IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS The psychological impact of isolation due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic caused by Covid-19 has been violent, particularly for children and adolescents, who have seen the possibility of responding to a series of fundamental needs characterizing the their age. Physical contact…

0 Comments7 Minutes

The relational advantage

FROM INDIVIDUALITY TO TEAM 'PLAY' [fvplayer id="5"] Relationship is the process that teaches us how to feel, how much to know and what to…

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The dimensions of the game – introduction Introduction to the three dimensions of play: relational - functional - emergent

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Managing complexity from an early age Is it possible to immerse the child, right from the start, within the complexity typical of the game of football? What are the reasons that lead us to change the classic paradigms of training for children? I'm talking to you about it today together with my friend and colleague Mattia Rizzo.  

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Breaking the defensive line: PSV’s “third man”.

In this new little analysis we abandon the "stopped ball" situations to see how Schimdt's PSV managed to score twice against league leaders Ajax coached by Ten Hag, in the top 10 clash January finished 2-2.

0 Comments14 Minutes