Truncated intentionality

Whenever in an educational proposal we eliminate an opponent or a direction of play, we favor and stimulate, on the part of our students or adult players, the development of truncated intentionality, no longer linked to the purposeof the action (I pass the ball onto my teammate's run because he has space behind the opposing lines of…

0 Comments2 Minutes

Effective communication in life and on the field

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION IN LIFE AND ON THE FIELD In a world that is moving ever faster, the ability to attract and concentrate attention has become the real strength of some and the dilemma of others. “My kids don't pay attention when I talk!” “I have difficulty making people understand the task, they aren't used to concentrating!” You…

0 Comments17 Minutes

The abductive moment in player training in contemporary football

In a gaming context such as the contemporary one in which processes of definition and expression of identity are at stake and, consequently, of creation and interpretation of meaning, understanding and manipulation of the context, dynamic definition and functional use of relationships with all the protagonists of the game, an…

0 Comments4 Minutes

Generation of play alternatives

In previous interventions we reflected on the high volatility of situations, a thousand and more times in total, during a match. Based on this reality, it is necessary to improve the ability to make decisions in a very short time. And since it is clear that no situation can be identical to another, dispensing solutions is absolutely…

0 Comments9 Minutes