Energy in motion.

The winner in happiness is the one who has many attitudes. (Silvio Ceccato). In the 80s Silvio Ceccato in "Engineering of Happiness" (Rizzoli, Milan 1985) addressed the theme relating to attentional and nervous energy. "This energy delivered from a source, in our case from the nervous system, has various possibilities. It can expand or…

0 Comments8 Minutes

Proposals to create an exciting and motivating environment in times of covid-19 in the youth sector

COVID-19 AND EMOTIONS IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS The psychological impact of isolation due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic caused by Covid-19 has been violent, particularly for children and adolescents, who have seen the possibility of responding to a series of fundamental needs characterizing the their age. Physical contact…

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Learning and context: an indivisible combination

This is called “Context Dependent Memory”. There are numerous studies in the second half of the 1900s that attempted to demonstrate how the characteristics of the context in…

0 Comments4 Minutes

Truncated intentionality

Whenever in an educational proposal we eliminate an opponent or a direction of play, we favor and stimulate, on the part of our students or adult players, the development of truncated intentionality, no longer linked to the purposeof the action (I pass the ball onto my teammate's run because he has space behind the opposing lines of…

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