December 16, 2023In Uncategorized5 Minutes

There is always a first time for everything, to question yourself, to learn, to grow, to move away from a safe haven, to overcome limits through knowledge, to do all these things together in the time of a choice. However, every time you really ask yourself about learning in the game of football, everything changes, it is a first time different from all the others, because learning in the game of football is a universe in which you can travel endlessly, without ever feeling like you have reached a goal. A journey into emotions and complexity. To approach the game in its essence, to touch its atom, you have to get lost and go there where no compass can be able to “correct” the steps following a score. We have always been taught to be tightrope walkers who, on a tightrope, never look down, do not accept the fear of failure, ready to set the goal ahead as the only imperative. without asking questions. Fiercely, we identified the objective with victory, with quantity, often forgetting the importance of the path and the quality in the obvious “it has always been done this way”. A rigid linearity that hides within itself that undergrowth of illusions which have slowly transformed the certainties of a few into an untouchable culture for many. Yet it doesn’t add up, there is something that the game of football in all its manifestations promptly tries to tell us, when like smoke it flows through the fingers and refuses to be controlled, grasped and understood. And so, it happens that something doesn’t go right and that, in the cracks of a fleeting thought, the possibility of discovery, of evolution, of comparison, of a horizon that transforms the tightrope walker into a diver creeps in. A dive into uncertainty, far from protagonism, a dive preceded by a long walk on a tangled wire, with the head going up and down incessantly. Because if learning is born and grows through trial and error then it will always be considered as a seesaw that oscillates between what you feel on your skin and what vibrates in your stomach. Emotions and perceptions. My reflections do not start from the analysis of how much, over time, we have chosen to de-structure the game and in fact its complexity, but I would like to emphasize the question. Every time I observe one of my teams emerging freely from the chaos , whether in a simple development of progression, rather than in a duel or perhaps in an offensive transition in the open field in numerical superiority, is a wonderful first time that makes me reflect. In that mix of emotions and previous experiences that make learning an unconscious awareness with every gesture, choice, interpretation of the changing circumstance, which always creates a crossroads, I get lost. We create contexts in which the complex footballer system and the complex team system know how to move in entropy, in that disorder that leads to the emergent behaviors that will be the basis for the construction of the Game Model (through the Principles ). The created context (space – opposition – objectives) in turn determines the environment in which the systems attract each other, modifying the starting points and generating that self-organization which will be the distinctive feature of their be in the game. The resulting environment will in turn self-organize, stimulated by the systems involved (single-collective-observers), a self-echo self-organization that increases entropy and increasingly distances the possibility that some type of compass, even the most sophisticated one can predict the outcome of a development (with or without the ball, let alone during transitions).





December 16, 2023In Uncategorized5 Minutes