Set up: Whole pitch; balls ...
Organization: Juggling with ball
Coaching points: - Cool down
Set up: Pitch 75x65m; balls, cones ...
Organization: Players play the game 11vs11 in order to create opportunities and achieve goals. The target group is blue team. Blue team has specific task - with quality movement and aggressive press degrade red team attack and especialy in the red zone. The game always begin from the red team.
Coaching points: - Degradation of attack in specific area;
- Pressing on the ball
- quick transition
Set up: Pitch 50x45m; balls, cones ...
Organization: Players play the game GK+7vsGK+8. The aim is to create chances and score. The target group are blue players. Blue team ( numerical inferiority ) aim`s to prevent coninuous attack especialy in central / red zone and with the mobile movement and pressure on the ball come in ball possesion and create chances to score. The game is very intense and is a matrix of the game for the next mach and so it is necessary that the play all players in the rotation.
Coaching points: - Degradations of the attack, especially in the middle;
- Pressing on the isolated player
- Quick offensive transition
Set up: Pitch A - 35x20m, B - 20x20m, balls, cones ...
Organization: Place A: In this over the line game target group are blue players. Both groups players play over the line game. Blue players are numerical inferiority, and work adjustment in the central corridor of the relationship 2vs3 because we expect such an attitude to mach.
Place B: Players play ball possesion game. In game 5vs4 blue players are target group. The relationship inside the playing field is numerical inferiority, two red players and one blue. When the red players come into possesion, blue players have a goal as soon as possible to make a re-possesion, so thatthe field for the game included two blue players and ensure the relationship 3vs2. After re-possesion they return to the outside line and continue the ball possesion game.
Coaching points: - quality ball possesion;
- quick re-possesion
- Adaptation on specific conditions that await players in the next game
Set up: Pitch 45x35m; balls, cones ...
Organization: The player from the position A dribble semi-active opponents from the position B and passes the ball to the player on the position C and approached him as an opponent.Player C play wall pass with the player B and play pass to the player C who take a ball to the position A.
Progressions: The active player in position B; The active player in position A; Active both players;
Coaching points: - pressing on player with ball
- Movement
- Timming
- support
- quality of dribbling skills
Set up: Whole pitch; balls ...
Organization: Juggling with ball
Coaching points: - Cool down
Set up: Pitch 75x65m; balls, cones ...
Organization: Players play the game 11vs11 in order to create opportunities and achieve goals. The target group is blue team. Blue team has specific task - with quality movement and aggressive press degrade red team attack and especialy in the red zone. The game always begin from the red team.
Coaching points: - Degradation of attack in specific area;
- Pressing on the ball
- quick transition
Set up: Pitch 50x45m; balls, cones ...
Organization: Players play the game GK+7vsGK+8. The aim is to create chances and score. The target group are blue players. Blue team ( numerical inferiority ) aim`s to prevent coninuous attack especialy in central / red zone and with the mobile movement and pressure on the ball come in ball possesion and create chances to score. The game is very intense and is a matrix of the game for the next mach and so it is necessary that the play all players in the rotation.
Coaching points: - Degradations of the attack, especially in the middle;
- Pressing on the isolated player
- Quick offensive transition