Set up: Pitch 30x20m; balls; cones ...
Organization: Players are doing ball passing warm up exercise. Players pass the ball in the direction of the yelow arrow and follow the rotation in the direction of the ball passing.
Advance level: Players are doing ball passing exercise with semi-active or active opponent in the middle ( depending of the quality of the players who perform the exercise )
Set up: Pitch 30x20m; balls; cones ...
Organization: Players are doing ball passing warm up exercise. Players pass the ball in the direction of the yelow arrow and follow the rotation in the direction of the ball passing.
Advance level: Players are doing ball passing exercise with semi-active or active opponent in the middle ( depending of the quality of the players who perform the exercise )
Set up: Pitch 45x50m; balls, cones ...
Organization: Players play 6vs6 on the playing area 45x50m. Blue/red attacking team aim is to improve creative attack and to improve tranzition play, specialy defansive tranzition in order to specific small goals zones. Green team aim is to improve playing out from the back in order to cooperation with central midfield players, and make a point on specific small goals.
Coaching points: To improve tranzition in the game
To improve creation of attack
To improve play out from the back
Set up: Pitch 45x35m; balls, cones ...
Organization: Players play possesion game 8vs6+2 on the playing area 45x35m, divided on two equal parts in order to develop tranzition game and improve stereotypes of cooperation between the last line players and midfield sector players. Green players ( 4 players placed into the half of playing area, 2 defenders on the transverse line and two full-backs on the longirudinal lines) aim is to play possesion as much as possible. Blue/red players aim is to Get the ball from the green players and pass the ball to central defenders placed on the transverse line other halfs of the playing field and create 6vs4 possesion game with same placed players.
Coaching points: To improve tranzition in the game
To improve possesion play
To improve sector play
Set up: Pitch 20x30m; balls, cones ...
Organization: Players play two specific games in order to create stereotypes of cooperation with the midfield players with two diferent exercise set up.
On the Place A players play 5vs3. Blue/red team aim is to play possesion as much as possible, and green team aim is to get the ball of possesion team and score on one of two goals placed on the transverse lines.
On the Place B players play 8vs4 game. Both team aim is to play possesion as much as possible. Green tem players are placed in order to tactical shape, on the transverse lines are placed central defenders, on the longitudinal lines are placed full- backs and side midfield players and into the space are placed two central midfield players. Blue/red team (attackers and two side midfielders) are placed into the playing area. Green team aim is to play 8vs4 possesion game as much as possible, same aim have also blue/red team but play 4vs2 into the playing area as close as possible far away from the line players. 1st 10 sec. players play 4vs2 possesion game, 2nd 10 sec. players play 4vs3-come one player from the side line ...
Coaching points: To improve stereotypes of cooperation with midfielders
To improve pressing by the attackers
To improve tranzition in the game
Set up:pitch 30x30m; blls, cones ...
Organization: Players play rondo game 6vs4 on the playing area 30x30m. Players are arranged so that on the peripherial line have positioned central and lateral backs who are tasked with central midfield players nr.6 and nr.8 play a ball possesion game. Opposite players aim is to take away the ball and in the game 4vs2+4 create chances and score on one of the four outside small goals.
Coaching points: To improve stereotypes of cooperation between last line players and central misfielders
To improve playing out from the back stereotypes of cooperation
To improve tranzition in the game
Vision passing in the game
Set up: Pitch 25x35m; balls,cones ...
Organization: Players play 5vs2+3 rondo game on the playing area 25x35m. divided on four equal parts. Player play 5vs2 rondo game into the one of four parts of the field. The aim of the game is to play possesion as much as possinle by the playing 1 or two touches. Players can change the playing parts of the field during the posseson game. Opposite team aim is to get the ball and create 5vs2 possesion game into the one of the other three parts of the playing field.
Coaching points: To improve possesion
To improve one/two passing tehnique
To improve sector play
Set up: Pitch 45x30m; balls, cones ...
Organization: Players play 5+3vs4 possesion rondo game on the playing area 45x25m. divided on two equal transverese halfs. Possesion team (green players) aim is to keep possesion as much as possible with sub aim to try to play pass to player in other half ( nr.9 & nr.10) and continue possesion play on other halfs with players on the line ( nr.8&nr6 ) and side players nr2 and nr.3. Opposite players (blue/red team) aim is to prevent passing to player on the orher side and to get the ball and play possesion in order to 4vs2 game into the playing area 1st. 10 second, 4vs3 2nd. 10 second ... till the green team get the ball and create again 5vs3 game.
Coaching points: To improve moving attackers and central midfielders to prevent passing in the deepth
To improve cooperation between the last lineplayers and midfield players
To improve sector play
Set up: Pitch 10x10m; balls, cones ...
Organization: Players play rodno game 4vs3 on the playing area 10x10m. divided on four equal parts. Posseion (4players) team are placed into every parts of the playing field. Opposite (3players) team are placed into three parts of the playing field. The aim of possesion (4 players) team is to play possesion as much as possible. Opposite team aim is to get the ball and create 3vs1 game into the one of four parts of the playing area.
Coaching points: To improve play under the pressure
To improve specific passing cooperation
To improve tranzition
Questa esercitazione ha come obiettivo principale quello di allenare la costruzione bassa con un blocco 3+2 (compreso il portiere) che deve superare la prima linea di pressione composta da 3 avversari , e la successiva uscita sulle parti esterne del campo e nella metà campo opposta.
Pertanto, in uno spazio adiacente l’area di rigore abbiamo 3 elementi rossi (compreso il portiere) più 2 elementi gialli (jolly) che eseguono un possesso contro 3 avversari blu i quali hanno il compito di pressare con elevata intensità per conseguire il recupero della palla.
Contemporaneamente un terzo jolly giallo scambia la palla con due esterni rossi con i 2 elementi esterni che ad ogni passaggio si spostano ad eseguire un vai e torna tra i coni.
Dalla parte opposta del campo, sempre in un Settore adiacente all’area di rigore (simmetrico a quello appena descritto), avremo 2 difensori blu ed 1 attaccante rosso che staranno in attesa di attivarsi in seguito al cambio di fronte da parte della squadra rossa .
Infatti ad avvenuto numero di passaggi consecutivi (o tempo minimo) stabiliti dal Mister la squadra rossa oppure uno dei jolly che vi collaborano, eseguirà un’ apertura laterale su uno dei due esterni, il quale a sua volta va ad appoggiarsi sull’attaccante posto nel Settore adiacente all’area di rigore opposta : i due esterni, unitamente al jolly che eseguiva lo scambio al centro del campo, si sposteranno dalla parte opposta del campo per affrontare i due difensori avversari in una situazione di 3vs2 con sostegno del jolly che sarà esterno al Settore. Si dovrà uscire dal Settore con una combinazione predefinita per concludere a rete indisturbati
Nel frattempo i due esterni blu che pressavano sul possesso precedente si spostano sui coni al centro del campo a giocare lo scambio con i due jolly che collaboravano sull’uscita precedente (come in video) e si va ad eseguire gli stessi scambi in mezzo al campo, ma stavolta con due elementi in mezzo (i jolly) e due esterni.
Nel caso gli oppositori recuperano palla si attiverà un 3vs2 in favore di questi ultimi con obiettivo di uscire in un tempo max. di 10 secondi dal Settore per concludere in porta.