Striker movement, finishing and 1v1 to goal exercise with a lot of coaching oppertunities such as:

-Link up play
-Playing with back to goal
-Laying off
-Ball striking
-Receiving to turn and play forward (pass from coach)
-Commiting defenders and taking them on
-Volleys and half volleys should you wish to start flicking the ball up as lay off


A simple 4 goal game with a condition to bring out the theme.

It is 5v5+1 and every member of the team of 5 has been allocated a number. When that number is called the player must run and touch a cone off the pitch before re-joining play.

This really stretches the team out of possession as it's now 5v4 with 2 goals to defend, opening up the oppertunities to play disguised passes through the opposition lines or into 1 of the goals.

This game will give a lot of oppertunity to coach pressing as a team, defending out numbered, being compact/patient and looking for pressing triggers.

Progress to an unconditioned game



The players on the outside are given the task of trying to play a pass to the player opposite them, Iff this is achieved that player can touch and shoot on the goal behind them. The scenraio we are painting is a split pass and then a finish. A good way to achieve this is by looking to disguise a side ways pass, making the defender step and then at the last minute playing the pass trhough the defence. All attackers should be on their toes and making slight movements to show for passes.

The 3 defenders are looking to prevent this pass.

- Closest defender press at an angle to show the next pass to 1 side
- Next defender give cover to make sure the split pass can't happen but be close enough to press the next pass
- Third defender prevent the split pass and communicate body position/angles and speed of approach to the 2 front defenders

- All defenders should be constantly checking their shoulder to see the movement of the players behind them so defenders know they are in the right position to screen the split pass.
- All defender should communiate whether to press to win the ball or drop off and wait for a trigger to do so

When the defenders win the ball they must TRANSITION quickly because the player who give it away plus the 2 players immediately to their right are the new defenders and can COUNTER PRESS to win it back.

Note: I have started by saying the ball must be kept below waist height but you can progress to allow passes in the air meaning the third defender needs to get his/her angles right to defend longer passes


4 v 4 on a tight pitch, I spent the majority of the session on this small game, starting with teams being able to score in any goal to encourage ball rotation and switches of play. Once it became directional a lot more emphasis was on patients in possession and looking for the split passes when on


5 v 2 rondo with two footballs

scanning and decision making key to be looking and showing for both footballs. Play simple, keep the ball, do not need to release it if nothing is on


Small group session working with 8 players on the technique of first touch and passing, progressing to look at decision making and scanning

As players pass the ball they shut down at pace to apply pressure and increase quality of first touch then pass


5v5+2 in this six goal game, if you score you get the ball back - you can't score in the same goal twice in a row to encourage variety going down the wings and through the middle


take away a ball and play 3v3 with the aim of scoring in either goal but if the opportunity isn't on down the side you are attacking switch to other zone and keep switching the ball to try and pull the other team out


Both teams switch the ball to the other zone and back and then the player with the ball goes 1v1 with 2 mini goals to score into replicating taking the man on wide or cutting inside.

Progression: add cm to attack to go 2v1 to goal


Circle passing warm up

- As players are on the outside doing some pre-activity movements such as high knees and heel kicks there are two players working in the middle.

The middle players always alternate footballs as the play passes to the outside
Outside players always look to pass to the central player who didn't pass you the ball

*Scanning *Weight of pass *Communication *Stretching when on the outside