Teams play 2v2 with the winning team staying on. If your team concede you must quickly swap with the team behind the goals you were defending. If the ball goes out of play, both teams switch.

Players behind the goals are passing a ball and must always be checking the shoulder to see when they must enter the pitch. I have placed a keeper at the side working on distribution and passing the ball into the first team on the pitch and ready meaning players must always be scanning and reacting quick to come on, otherwise they may be scored against immediately.


As before -

However decision making is key now, any players can drop back to defend/go forward to attack but if you score in the final third with only 1 player touching the ball (they don't pass) it's worth 3 goals


4v4 in the middle aiming to hit your striker. once this happens a player from the other team can drop back to defend 2v1

the team in possession can use their defender to keep the ball but the opposition striker is always active looking to win the ball

Progression could be to add a supporting player when the ball goes forward


As the ball is passed in the passing player presses the receiving player who now has a 1v2 to goal. if the defender wins the ball they can attack the opposite goals.

Progression could be to add a supporting attacker


Red v Green v Blue = first to 5 points

Players attempt to get through both defenders boxes and once in the 18 yard box they can use that entire box to try and score into the keeper

Initially you could tell defenders they can't leave their box to encourage success but the progression shown here allows defenders to recover once the attacker goes through their box.

If the attacker scores they get a point and go again

If a defender wins the ball they play a coach (attacking transition/forward pass) and become the attacker, you can easily make this a cone to dribble around if 2 coaches not available

If the keeper makes a save, the 2 current defenders split (play out from the back) GK can chose who to play to, that player will attack next.

Make it competitive, make it fun! Players who can take on 1 or 2 defenders are vital to successful teams.


Game related practice:

The team that starts with the ball plays 3v2 with the aim of having someone in their time dribble the ball forward into the 1v1 to goal. Everytime your team scores a goal they get to go again, turning to face the team on the other half of the pitch.

When defenders prevent a goal or win the ball they get to become the 3 attackers.

Essentially a 3v2 aiming to create a 1v1 to goal

Possible progressions:

Similar to before depending on what you wish to work on/add to your session. You can start to allow attackers to join in the final zone meaning it is 2 or even 3v1, you can allow defenders to recover into this zone once the ball goes in or you can build all this up gradually and finish on a full game.

To aid success you can add a player who plays for the team in possession
To challenge players you can minimize touches
To work on forward runs you can take away being allowed to dribble into the final zone and it now must be a pass


Set up and rotation is as before. But now we have a 2v1 and eitehr attacker can be the player to carry the ball into the final 1v1. So decision making is added early in regards to go alone or play a team mate to drive forward.

If either defender wins the ball they are encouraged to drive with it accross the white line in front of them.

Possible progressions:

- Defender from 2v1 can recover into the 1v1 to force the attacker to play quickly/effectively
- Other attacker can come into the final third for passing option/decoy pass/rebounds
- Add a time limit for the 1v1 to goal


The ky to this session is to create a situation where players are going 1v1 to goal and work on the skills needed to be successful in these situations.

After a warm up the players go into this drill. It starts with a pass where the attacker meets the ball and plays a give and go with a wall player before playing 1v1 beyond the white line.

The first slides show the player roles and player rotations, the group at the top of the screen will be performing the same drill.

If the defender wins the ball they should aim to carry it over the white line to work on defence to attack transition.

1v1 to goal coaching:

- Carry the ball with close control
- Run at the defender to commit them
- Once close enough perform a skill/sharp change of direction
- Accelerate out the other side so momentum takes you to goal
- Finish early
- Alway scan the pitch to know where the defender is/GK/space


Si gioca 4 contro 4 e 1 jolly in ciascuno dei due spazi esterni. L'obiettivo è giocare palla ad un compagno nella striscia centrale vuota, il quale dovrà passarla nello spazio opposto a quello da cui ha ricevuto. Nella striscia centrale può entrare o un giocatore dello spazio della palla o un giocatore dello spazio opposto (nel video sono mostrate entrambe le opzioni).

There is a 4 against 4 plus 1 jolly in each external space. The objective is to play the ball to a teammate into the empty central strip: then he has to play to the opposite space from whom he received. The player who enters the central strip can come from ball space or from opposite space. (you can see both options in the animation).