Set up: ...Pitch 100x75m, balls cones...

Instructions: ... Players play the game 11 vs 11 in order to create a continuous attack. The ball starts with the goalkeeper both teams. The future action begins from the goalkeeper opposing team after steals or goal has been scored. The intensity of exercise determines methodological step in the resistance of the defense. We start from a methodological step 2 (Defense 10m in the opponent's half of the field).

Coaching Points: ... Well positioned for the development of offensive action, precise pass, Prediction opponent's intentions ...

Duration 2 x 8-10 min.


Set up: ...Pitch 30x20m + half of pitch, balls cones...

Instructions: ... In the central corridor of the players play the game 3 vs. 3 with ball possession blue. Blue players when the property can collaborate with their central defender. Red players have the goal to seize the ball and in cooperation with the attacker and wing players created chances and scored.

Coaching Points: ... Safe added in the preparation of the attack, the concentration in the final ...

Duration 4 x 2 min.


Set up: ...Pitch 40x30m, balls cones...

Instructions: ... In the central corridor of the players play the game the ball 6 vs 6; Blue players are tasked to keep the ball in play possession and red players are arranged so that the three players are in the corridor of the game, two players outside the corridor and one is in a transition zone, and have the task to play the game the ball through the transition between two fields of play.

Coaching Points: ... Good positioning in the game of ball possession, passing the ball accurately, fast transition ...

Duration 4 x 2 min.


Set up: ...Pitch 50x45m, balls cones...

Instructions: ... Players play the game 6 vs. 6. The game aims to automate stereotypes cooperation in offensive actions after the insertion of the lateral positions.

The game begins in a 3 vs 1 at A. Three players are tasked with the co-operation through at the gate and play side attackers who are available in the game and are located on the sides of the attacks. each subsequent action begins to set defense for the same purpose. The coach of the side dictated the pace of the game by inserting balls straight.

Coaching Points: ... Safe added in the preparation of the attack, the concentration in the final ...

Duration 2 x 7 min.


Set up: ...Pitch 45x35m, balls cones...

Instructions: ... Players play the game 6 vs. 5 with the aim to automate the stereotypes of cooperation in defense and offensive actions.

Coaching Points: ... Defensive players are doing diagonal closure, the pressure at the depth and compactness of movement across the width of the field. Attackers develop creative offensive action, with particular attention to the technique of playing and quality of decision-making.

The exercise is designed so that the players defense following methodological step 1 (defense in the middle of the field), which implies regenerating the pace of implementation.

Duration 2 x 7 min.


Set up: Pitch 50x65m; cones; balls;

Organization: Passing drill is concived so that all three game-lines are positioned in it. The drill starts from the position ( A ) - the central defenders, who pass the ball to the position ( B ) the cenral midfielders, who continue drill in the specific moves and co-operation with the passing to attackers in the position ( C ). The attackers continue the pass-on sequence with the side players in the position ( D ) wich in the rotation sequence come to the position ( A ).

Coaching points: - Accurately passing the ball
- Coordinated movement of midfielder
- Timely demarching
- Use both feet to pass the ball

Progression: - Diferent variants of cooperation
- Play 2 vs 1 in the space for the midfielders


Set up: Pitch 50x65m; cones; balls;

Organization: Passing drill is concived so that all three game-lines are positioned in it. The drill starts from the position ( A ) - the central defenders, who pass the ball to the position ( B ) the cenral midfielders, who continue drill in the specific moves and co-operation with the passing to attackers in the position ( C ). The attackers continue the pass-on sequence with the side players in the position ( D ) wich in the rotation sequence come to the position ( A ).

Coaching points: - Accurately passing the ball
- Coordinated movement of midfielder
- Timely demarching
- Use both feet to pass the ball

Progression: - Diferent variants of cooperation
- Play 2 vs 1 in the space for the midfielders


Set up: Whole pitch; balls ...

Organization: Juggling with ball

Coaching points: - Cool down


Set up: Pitch 75x65m; balls, cones ...

Organization: Players play the game 11vs11 in order to create opportunities and achieve goals. The target group is blue team. Blue team has specific task - with quality movement and aggressive press degrade red team attack and especialy in the red zone. The game always begin from the red team.

Coaching points: - Degradation of attack in specific area;
- Pressing on the ball
- quick transition


Set up: Pitch 50x45m; balls, cones ...

Organization: Players play the game GK+7vsGK+8. The aim is to create chances and score. The target group are blue players. Blue team ( numerical inferiority ) aim`s to prevent coninuous attack especialy in central / red zone and with the mobile movement and pressure on the ball come in ball possesion and create chances to score. The game is very intense and is a matrix of the game for the next mach and so it is necessary that the play all players in the rotation.

Coaching points: - Degradations of the attack, especially in the middle;
- Pressing on the isolated player
- Quick offensive transition