This is a drill where the attacking team will first attack the goal, then they will counter attack to pass through the gate to their defender. The defender will have to pass the opponents who will perform the same action on the other side.


In this drill, each team will have to perform 2 attacks at one goal. When finished, they transfer quickly to the next goal with no goal keeper. They will have to finish the empty goal attack at set time of seconds. This will put them under more pressure to finish which simulates the real game situation to counter attack faster.


When your players have mastered the previous drill, it is time to step up the challenge. The set up here is devised also to assure that players are activated physically, tactically, technically and to trigger their competitiveness. In 3 midfielders formation where you have a 1-2 triangle, your are expecting the 2 players to be more active forward and more sharp. The number 10 in this drill is penetrating late to receive a pass from the number 8 who penetrated through the gate, under tight pressure by a defender. After the finish of the attack, the next team start their work in the next box. Players now have to transitio.


This drill is multi purpose. You can address for counter attack, transition, high pressure defensive... For youngsters, it is wise to help them develop gradually. Multi purpose drills could be slowly applied till you see and feel the youngsters ready in form. However, the drill shown here is prepared as multi purpose, i.e advanced.

The set up is devised to assure players activated their competitiveness, physical challenge, tactical work, and technical skills. The 3 C players on the borders are neutral defenders when both teams are competing for the ball in the play zone. The target for the team in possession is to complete a pre set number of passes, under high pressure of the opponents. On completion, they pass the ball to one defender on the sides. The currently neutral defenders pass the ball till it gets to the other side, which emulates a build up. When done, they pass to the player up the zone who makes a long pass to one side and finish the attack. Players now do the transition for the next round.


This game starts as 2v2 with the defenders chasing. Then, 4v4 with 2 defenders chasing and 2 defending the box. After the finish of the first side, the second side start their turn. The coach should decide if this game can be upped to 6v6 or 8v8 later on. Again, the main focus in these drills is on defense.


In this progression, the players will have to defend in 2 successive situations with the physical challenge. The the first one is chasing, the 2nd one they will have to defend with the their backs to their goals in a 2v2 situation.


In this game situation, youngsters could be mentally directed towards defensive duties. This drill simulates real situations when the forwards are running towards the goal with defenders chasing them. This mostly a situation of counter attacks, after corner kicks. With the addition of physical requirement, the challenge is raised. In the video, youngsters run towards the poles, turn and race towards the middle zone. The first team in the middle zone receive a pass from the coach and attack the nearer goal with the other team chasing them tryinh to defend. Once this attack is finished, the second team start their turn.


Very simple yet excellent boredom breaker. The players will have to throw in, and countdown starts subjecting forwards to pressure. When they finish, they will have to go back and start another throw in, another countdown. Forwards will have to transition more often this time, more physical transitions.


This drill is derived from the previous one. The smaller boxes put players under more pressure to finish. Note that each team while on attack, will have to pentrate, counter attack, and side attack. The next turn, the team who had the ball move out, the defenders become forwards and 3rd team become defenders.


Breaking boredom is very important to avoid pausing youngsters development. Coaches must always be aware of the players' feelings and devise deliberate breaking boredom sessions. The drill here is changing the view for the players helping them to widen their imagination and change the straight forward sight. The players will have to transition several times every turn. The will have to break throguh depth, then through cross. Defenders will have to defend deep and stop a cross. Then, full transition from attack to defense and vice versa