Set up: Pitch 100x65m; balls, cones ...
Organization: Blue players ( target group ) always start attacking from their goalkeeper. The goal of the blue ( defendes & midfielders ) is playing out from the back, create a continuous action and pass the bal to one of the attackers. The attackers are in the second part of the field. The attackers continue their action an their goal is to create chance and score a goal. The attackers are supposed to finish the action quickly because defenders and attackers immediately after the ball are passed to attackers begin a new action.
Coaching points: - Good positioning in playing out from the back
- Precise and timely pass
- Creative and rapid development of attacking action
Set up: Pitch 50x65; balls, cones ...
Organization: The soccer passing drill always begin from the position A. Exercise`s developing by passing on both sides to the position B and over position C become a circular passing exercise.
Coaching points: - Accuracy of passing - imperative
- Use both feet to pass the ball
- Ball on the ground
Set up: Pitch 100x65; balls, cones ...
Organization: Players do cooling down exercise - juggling in various tehniques
Set up; Pitch 45x45 / 30x45; balls, cones ...
Organization: Specific preparation for the match. Place A) Game 7vs7; Developing coordination between central defenders and midfielders in defensive action and quick transition after re-possesion. Place B) Game 6vs6; Development of offensive stereotypes of cooperation with special emphasis on crossing from side position and overlaping movements in game 2vs1 and 2vs2 by side position.
Coaching points: - Defensive organization by central position;
- Quick transition;
- Creating 2vs1 situation by side position;
- Creative finishing;
Set up: Pitch1) 35x45m; 2) 30x45m; balls, cones
Organization: Place 1) Defansive organization-Players play posession 6 vs 5 game on pitch dimension 35x45m. Blue-defending players have the task of defending two side and one central gate. Blue players who take the ball into a re-possesion have the task of transferring the ball over the line. Red players develop stereotypes of colaboration that lead to better organization in attacking action. Red plyers hav the task of transferring the ball through central gate, especially if the ball passes through the side gate and then through central gate.
Place 2 ) Ofansive organization-Players play 6 vs 5 game on the pitch dimension 30x45m. Blue-attacking players have the task to develop stereotypes of cooperation it attacking action. Main task is creating chances and achieving goals. Red defansive players task is to get the bal and come over the transverse line.
Coaching points: - develop stereotapes colaboration in attack and in defense.
- Preparation for the next game
- automatization of tactical vision
Set up: Pitch 50x65m; balls, cones ...
Organization: The soccer drills always begins from the position A. Exercise is developing by passing on both sides to thr position B and over position C become a circular passing exercise.
Coaching points: - Accuracy of passing / imperative
- Use both feet to pass
- Ball on the ground
- Change pace with ball
- Improve coordinatons skills
Duration: 2x4 min; r/t 1 min.
Set up: Pitch 50x56m, balls, cones ...
Organization: Implementation of the principles of the game for the upcoming match with emphasis on Set Play, free kicks, corner kicks, throw in ... and opposite set play ...
Coaching points: et play practice
Set up: Pitch 50x45m,balls cones ...
Organization: The implementation of the principles of the game for the upcoming match with an emphasis on speed of execution.
Coaching points: - Speed of play
- Preactivation
Set up: Pitch 2 x 10x10m; balls, cones ...
Organization: Players play rondo game 8 vs 2 on the principle 2 IN 2 OUT.
Coaching points: - Ball possesion sereotypes cooperation