Passing to play forward
game - 3v3+1 with the aim of hitting the target player and scoring off him/her
can minimize touches to challenge players
Passing to play forward
Coaching as shown at end of animation.
Break down the technique of the driven pass and movement out wide. Also address scanning,especially as the ball is traveling to end player who must recognise where pressure is coming from and play the other side
game is 5v5 and each team has an extra centre mid and two wingers, the two wingers must stay wide and the cm has to always try and play to a winger when possible, apart from that it is a completely free game with the players allowed to go anywhere and have free play.
scoring: 10 passes is a goal or goals can be scored as normal this encourages players to use the width as either and opportunity to score, an opportunity to possess the ball or as a decoy to play centrally
Progression, there is no sequence now and the ball can go back beyond the mannequins as the switch might be the best option. because of the previous drill the defenders will be cautious of the ball wide so the wingers keep getting wide and looking to get on the ball but this may give the option to play through to a striker.
if defenders win the ball aim to counter attack into other goal
the two centre midfielders bounce the ball off the striker and then the ball is played out wide, working alternate sides. once the ball is ahead of the mannequins it cannot be played back, players need to get up and support and we are looking for the cross and finish
Attacking v Defence
The GK or coach starts with the ball and plays to the 2 central attackers, as this happens the defenders get narrow and push up (pressure on the ball) GK/coach or even if it's a defender in goals that you will rotate also pushes up a little to avoid balls in behind
Squeezing the middle and not allowing any gaps for passes through on goal is the aim, the attackers attmpt to either dribble through the red gate for a goal or pass into the 2 mini goals which would replicate a dangerous defense splitting pass. They can also score normally into the big goals.
Defenders should narrow in and squeeze the play, implementing the pressure cover techniques as a 4 and if they win the ball play into a mini goal.
Either work players position spicific or a good idea is if the defenders get success (attacking team don't score) the teams swap over
As before but 2v2. See previous drill for further notes
Coaching advances now to 1 player pressure and the other cover that player, protecting the space behind them and ready to press the ball when it goes to their closest player
Communication from the player behind is key in regards to what direction to show the player on the ball
Simple 1v1 exercise with coaching points for the defenders to press the ball early, deny time and space, get side on and show 1 way and if they win the ball pass into 1 of the nets in front of them to encourage an attacking transition after winning the ball - this could also be a pass into the next attacker which may help the drill flow better.
Either swap defender/attacking roles after each shot or after a certain amount of time.
If the attackers get accross the cones line allow them to unopposed shoot in the net which is a good incentive to keep the tempo of the drill high.
Encourage the defender at the front of the line to give good information to the defender in the drill which will set the tone for 2v2 defending which we progress to next
A warm up where the players on the ball dribbles taking touches alternating between both feet and using all parts of the foot going at a steady pace. The defender travels with them, keeping a good body shape, twisting to always stay in a 'jockying' position and keeping the eye on the ball when checking the should from time to time to see what's behind them. Defender should aim to stay close enough to the ball that if in a game there was a bad touch they could win it but also not too close that a big touch would take them out the game.
Swap roles when you get to the other side of the pitch and repeat a couple of times
When doing the drill the coach at some point shouts 'TURN' the attacker turns to try and get back to the line they started at (turning back is a trigger for defender to press more aggressively) the defender chases to try and win the ball and stop the attacker getting back to the line. Next progression is to say if the attacker is able to turn again and get to the line they were originally going for (obviously turning the defender in the proccess then it's 2 points) Defender should press the attacker with their back turned forcing them back to the line they started from but careful not to over commit so the attacker can turn again and drive what would essentially be forward in a game