A switch of play and then the ball is played into strikers feet who has came to receive the ball. the ball is then set back to the midfielder making an across the face run who passes the ball out wide to restart the routine


Playing Through the Lines

Progression from previous exercise, now full backs can join attacks or go and press opposition full backs. One player from each team is allowed in the middle zone, this may be a forward dropping deep or a supporting midfielder, either way it should create good 1v1 battles and opportunities to by pass these players and play through the lines. If full back comes in middle zone the player already in there must vacate with the best option being to overlap into full back zone to provide width for the team.

Progression: Remove zones and play


Playing Through the Lines

3 v 3 with full backs who can't be challenged. The team are trying to work the ball into the other half using the full backs if needed where there is a 3v2

Opposing team have a central player who can block passed making the through the lines pass tougher.


- Move the ball quickly to shift the blocking player and create chances to play forward
- Striker movement needs to be good to give options and play off each other


Playing Through the Lines

3 v 3 with the aim of transferring the ball from target player to target player. Two central players must touch the ball before transferring. Progress by limiting touches or taking away the option of playing back to the target player that the ball came from.


- Player and ball movement must be quick to combine in the middle, take few touches
- Use bounce pass with end player to commit defenders to the ball and create space forward
- Play forward when it's on but don't force it


Playing Through the Lines

Each team of 3 has a ball and is aiming to play it from one target player (using my GKs here) to another.


- add a defender trying to win a ball
- limit touches


Look to play forward when possible and adopt an open body position to do so, if not on combine with team mates to create the opportunity