In this drill, the player with the ball has to dribble the first goal keeper to score 1 point, then finish with 1v1 against the second goal keeper and score the 2nd point for his team. Why 2 goal keepers? The goal keeper has the advantage of catching the ball with his hands, this puts the strikers under more challenge in the both situations.


In this technical drill, some focus on the following coaching points:
1- Low pressure by the defenders. Their existence is not meant to block or stop forwards.
2- As a start, let the game flow. In the next repetitions, set time to force strikers move faster and finish faster.
3- Every player should play both, second striker and the finisher in different repetitions.


Zone for possession and zone for high pressure in which defenders are forced to press high. Team in possession allowed to make 5 passes in the possession zone under high pressure. When the ball reaches the number 9, thry have only 5 seconds to cross that area and finish under also high pressure, but now tighter zone for defenders. Defenders not allowed to get through that zone.


The number 9 is neutral helping the team in possession. 3 teams competing. The zone in the middle is where team in possession allowed for 2 or 3 passes, or few seconds before they transfer the ball to the opponents. If the defending team win the ball, they should pass back to number 9 who in turn passes who in turn passes back to them when they re organize to bacome in possession.


A simple drill in which 3 teams compete. In this drill the team in possession should send the ball to the opposing team in a set time of seconds or set number of passes. Defenders apply high pressure with one mate at the mid line trying to block the purposed pass and cover following the movement of the play. If a defender wins the ball, he should send out to the opponents so the team lost the ball become defenders.

Progression: this drill seems generalized. Progression could be specifying one team as all time defenders. When they win the ball, they should keep it for set number of passes, then send out to their new opponents and so on.


Rules: team in possession to keep the ball for set seconds. Long pass to the neutral full back on the other side who passes to the player in the middle. The player then makes a through pass to one of his mates going inside the box, finish, then transition.

Progression: when the player in the middle recieves the ball, he must first pass it to his mate who is breaking through, not to the neutral 9.


Rules: finish a set number of passes in your zone. Only 2 forwards allowed to break in. Long ball behind defenders before the middle line. Offside rule applies on the edges. Score in any goal or 1 pass only allowed in the boxes for your mate to finish. Then transition. If defenders win the ball, they have the right to finish any possible way within few seconds.

Progression: 1 goal, 1 goal keeper, set time for each team in possession.

Remember, it is a long ball drill, focus on making team in possession to long pass and finish with minimum number of team mates in the opponents’ zone.


Advanced form of warm up. Start with 6v4.

Progression: 6v6, team in possession have set seconds to pass at one corner. The coach could allow them to gain more seconds when they send the ball to a mate in one corner who can still make a short pass to a mate in his zone. This is allowed for 2 times. When they make the 3rd pass to their own corner, they have to long pass the ball to the other field. Otherwise, the points deducted.
Defenders, press higher and mark the edges of those cornered boxes.


Long balls represent solution in many situations. Teams could pass long balls to transfer the play, pass behind defense line, and many other situations where on the ground passes could be intercepted or been intercepted many times during a game. Drills for such a pass could also be not plane.

Team in possession should keep the ball for set number of passes. 1 point scored when the ball successfully sent to the box in the middle. Another when the outside player successfully completes his long pass to the opponent. Then transition.

Defenders start the drill with mecium pressure. They still have to try to block the long balls. If they successfully win the ball, they should send the ball to their mate outside with a long ball. Hence, 1 point collected for defenders.

Progression: apply higher pressure, set seconds ( based on players’ abilities ) to finish the target, defenders could press with 1 player in the middle box and 1 at the edge, another 1 presses ( marks ) the out side player...


In this drill, the defenders are at the same time responsible for defending their goal in crosses, and score! The drill is designed so 2 goals at both sides of the penalty box. One usual and one at the 18 yard line. The defnders have to defend and mark forwards, at the same time they should try to finish in the 2nd goal. After the first flow is finished, the players sprint to the field. The other coach crosses, the first who gets to the ball scores whether defender or forward. The coach then sends another ball and any can score. The next 2 teams now come in.