Defenders will have to deal with different tasks every game. Yet they might have to deal with different tasks in one attack. In this drill, defenders will have to defend open play, then crosses. Inbetween, they will chase the forwards to their next target. Then, next team start their turn.


A multiple-task drill for defenders. They will start 5v4 open play then a 1v2 counter attack situation. In the first flow, they will have to stop forwards from reaching the zone beyond the red cone. When the attack is finished, 2 pre assigned defenders go and stop the counter attack lead by 9. After that, the 3rd flow is stopped by the other 2 defenders.


This drill can be the end of full backs' session. Less load on the full backs physically. They now should loft the ball to the player running forward in 2 successive attempts for two successive breaks.


In this shape, the 2 full backs of each team take the bigger role. The full back at the side of play is pressured by the full back at his side. When he gets to the cone, the other side full back is triggered to pentrate into the box and also pressured by his opponent.


In the drill, a tactical progression added. Now, the full back going to overlap and get behind the defense line is marked by the opponent's full back till he gets to the cone successfully. After the end of the attack, notice the physical load required before getting back into possession zone. Both teams transition to get into the next flow.


One of the most important skills a full back should have is to be able to overlap his opponents and get behind the defensive lines. Besides, he should be physically capable of keeping up to the level. The upcoming drills are devised to fulfill that.
4 teams in the possession zone. 2 teams of 2 full backs each, and 2 teams of 3 midfielders each. Midfield players compete with each other, while the team with the ball partners the full backs about to attack.
The full back in attack should get behind the defensive line and recieve the ball throigh the gate from midfield players. This is triggered once the full back recieved the ball in possession zone. The full back in defense in a role defending the gate.
Notice the physical work required per player after the end of the attack. And as always, the two teams begin the next phase with a TRANSITION.


Here, in each flow, the forwards will dribble and finish or pass.


In this drill, players move from zone to zone after dribble is complete. Then passes to his mate who will have to dribble and move forward till they reach the final zone and finish.


It is annoying watching players with great skills having to pass most of the time leaving their skills sidelined with no use. In the following drills somw fun games examining the players ability to dribble and team work at the same time.

In thisndrill, the 3n-layers of each team will have to dribble, pass, and defend. With medium pressure, player number 9 recieves the pass in the midzone trying, dribbles once then passes to a mate on the side. His mate dribbles forward then passes to 9 in the last zone. 9 comes back to pass to the other side mate and so in.


The forwards in the circle will have to get the ball through the gates which protected by defenders. While the defenders whenever they win the ball, they will have to pass the ball through to the coach. Whenever the forwards succeed passing the ball through the gate, the coach passes them another ball.