This is a drill where coaches might introduce the way of breaking defense lines to their players. Simple drill, where the number 9 is neutral player working as “the breaker”. Once successfully done, the opponents become his mates and play again to the other side. The number of passes or time at each zone specified by the coach. Recommended to start longer periods, more passes, low pressure or less defenders. When the coach feels his players are capable of more, he might add goals to both sides or a target player who the breaker has to deliver the ball to.


This is a progression where both teams have to deal with more pressure as they compete in small areas. The team with the ball have to change the side of play before transferring the ball into the final zone and score. As always, coach sends another ball for the next team and initiate a transition.


Full backs play a major role in modern games attacking scenarios. They are involved in this progression as neutral players helping the team in possession to finish their attacks. In this demo, instead of 2 defenders protecting the zone, we decided to make them more active by marking the players in full backs role.


In this progression, a striker is added to the scenario. The striker is considered a neutral player plays a number 9 role for the team in possession. With the striker in, you can add assign a player of each team with the duty of marking him. 1 on 1 marking and other 2 midfield players press high against players in possession. Once the attack is finished, the coach sends antoher ball forcing both teams to transition. The striker also here reacts as fast as possible to help his new team to counter attack, or start their turn in rondos. I suggest to slow down transition in the first number of sessions. When players master the drill, you may set some seconds for each attack to speed up counter attacks.


The next set of small sided games will simulate serious game situations. The components of each game will include physical and mental burden. This is acquired by continuous heavy pressure by defending team and frequent transitions.
In the shown game, 2 midfield teams competing. 4 players each team. When one team in possession, they have the 4 players in action. While the team in defense will have 2 applying high pressure against the opponents and two others protecting their zone. The players in rondo should complete set number of passes before initiating an attack. Players should perform the attack in following the tactical directions of the coach. Directly after the finish of the attack, the coach passes a ball to the opponents in the rondo zone forcing both team to transition. Note the goal keeper actions when their team in possession and in defense.


This is a drill where the defenders are put under serious pressure to come back from a high line defense.

The forwards allowed to move ahead the offside line fot 2 to 3 steps to give them advantage and pressure defenders. The defenders will have to be quick and communicate louder. The forwards should move in sharp lines forcing defenders to be physically challenged while trying to cover, mark and press.


In here,the target player is allowed in. 3 forwards now can go past the gates. The defenders will have to put more pressure on ball holder. While the other mates will try to mark and cover the pass forwards. This will force defenders to communicate louder and try to be more aware to anticipate the next move by the forwards.


3 center backs is coming back to the game with giant teams applying this method of defending more. In the next drills we will demonstrate their defensive role while defending high up in the field. While defenders are high lined, the forwards have high chances to pass the ball behing defenders’ backs and exploit their speed to get their chance.

In this drill, we are trying to introduce to defenders this kind of danger. The poles in the middle create gates where forwards have to pass through. This will force defenders to cover these gates and try to block a pass. The 2 players at each end are the target players. They are allowed to move along the line to create a possible passing lane to their mates.

Forwards are allowed to move 2 to 3 steps beyond the offside line, the gates. This will create more pressure on defenders and recurrent situations where they will have to cover the gates, then run back to stop forwards from scoring their point. 2 forwards move up, 3 defenders go back. 1 to press the ball holder, one to mark the other forward, while the third move into the channel trying to block a pass to the target player.


In this drill, a zone is added to the middle of the penalty box to pressuer defenders more. The play starts, while one defender presses, and the other marks, the third defender must be covering the mini box in the penalty area following the ball play. The forwards try to hold on the ball for set seconds in each zone to give more time for the defenders to apply their roles.


In this game, 4 neutral players at the side. The forwards have one player with the bibs who always recieves the ball. The player with the bib transfers himself from one zone to another with his marking player presses him. The ball is then passed to him and the game goes on as in the previous drill. When the ball is out, the game restarts with the player in the bib awaits the ball while others move marking and covering.