The midfield players are the ones who carry most of the work. In the next drills, these players will have to build up, move the game forward, possess, finish, then transition. On the other side, the opponent midfielders will have press high, mark, cover, defend, then transition.
In this drill, 3 gates in the middle with a number 9 in the next zone. The number 9 should be followoing the ball moving to the gate closest to the play. The team in possession should keep the ball for set number of passes or seconds before transferring the play to the next zone. In the next zone, play gets faster and the aim is to make a pass to the outside coach. The next team start once the pass is made by the coach.
4 goals mini game. The team now transfer the ball to finish in one goal. Then transition. However, if the defenders were able to intercept the ball in the opponents’ half, they have to finish the ball in the goal of that zone, and that is another transition.
Another form of deliberate mini games where the team in possession transfer the play to the other side with a long ball sent by the wing player to the other side wing player. They have set seconds in each zone to make the play faster, pressure by defenders higher and the concentration levels higher.
This drill could be a mini form of a real game situation. It starts with a build up, posses the ball, transfer the play to the other side and forward, finish, then transition. The zone in the middle in this drill could be taken advantage of for multiple reasons. For example, only one player each team allowed in, the player in possession will have to make the cruyff turn, the defender doing the marking, or the player in possession is obliged to have the ball kept for some seconds while the defender in his back, and so on.
Rules: keep possession for set number of passes in your zone. Transfer the play with a long pass to the neutral full back at the other side, follow tactical instructions to finish, and transition.
Progression: you could put gates where players will have to go through into the box before they finish.
Now, long balls behind defense.
Rules: set number of passes, allowed to long ball just behind the middle line, only 2 players can go through to recieve the ball behind defensive line, 2 touches allowed inside the final zone, transition.
Progression: 1 goal, 1 goal keeper, in a 2v2 situation ( or 2v1 if the player recieving the ball not allowed to score )
Here players should send the ball to one corner begore transferring with a long ball to the other side.
Progression: defenders apply higher pressure. Forwards are under the pressure of set seconds to finish. They could gain more seconds by passing the ball to a mate in one corner, who sends back to the same zone of play. This helps defenders as well to organize and mark.
Long balls represent an important solution in games. Long balls drills could also be not plane and not dull.
In this drill, team in possession asked topass the ball into middle zone. The player recieves it and sends a long ball to the outside player scoring one point, and another point scored when a long ball is performed to the other outside player. The drill starts with medium defensive pressure.
Progression, defenders could apply higher pressure while players in possession have to do their job in set seconds. A defender could block the crosses on each side.