
Attack: dribbling forward to score
Defence: defending own goal

20m x 18m. When a player receives a ball, his opponent quickly runs around a cone in the corner of the pitch and runs back to defend.

The coach passes to one of the goalkeepers - the game starts.

The player who scores gets a ball from the source. The player who concedes a goal must run around one of the cones on his goal line before returning to defend; The same applies if the ball is put out of play.


[EN] Four players outside the Exagon (called Qoin in Liquid Training), only three with ball.
The free player in the middle calls a pass from one of the three owning a ball moving to receive it, and then makes a pass to the fourth mate on the Qoin without the ball; in the while the other two players not involved must guide their ball in one of the free sides of the Qoin.

- The coach may be calling, every time or sporadically, which player must make the pass;
- Touches: free, 2, 1 for the free man in the middle of the Qoin.

[IT] Quattro giocatori disposti sui lati di un esagono (chiamato Moneta nel Liquid Training), solo tre con il pallone.
Il giocatore al centro chiama un passaggio da uno dei compagni in possesso muovendosi per ricevere la palla e successivamente la trasmette al compagno senza la palla; nel frattempo i due giocatori restanti devono raggiungere in guida uno dei due lati liberi della Moneta.

- Può essere l'allenatore a chiamare, di volta in volta o sporadicamente, quale giocatore deve effettuare il passaggio;
- Tocchi: liberi, 2, 1 per il giocatore al centro della Moneta.