WARM UP. A simple drill in which 3 teams compete. In this drill the team in possession should send the ball to… see full practice
MIDDLE ZONE. The number 9 is neutral helping the team in possession. 3 teams competing. The zone in the middle is where… see full practice
ANIMATION 3. Zone for possession and zone for high pressure in which defenders are forced to press high. Team in possession allowed… see full practice
Zone for possession and zone for high pressure in which defenders are forced to press high. Team in possession allowed to make 5 passes in the possession zone under high pressure. When the ball…
The number 9 is neutral helping the team in possession. 3 teams competing. The zone in the middle is where team in possession allowed for 2 or 3 passes, or few seconds before they transfer the ball…
A simple drill in which 3 teams compete. In this drill the team in possession should send the ball to the opposing team in a set time of seconds or set number of passes. Defenders apply high pressure…