ESERCITAZIONE INTEGRATA : COMBINAZIONI, PERCORSO ORGANICO E POSSESSO POSIZIONALE In questa esercitazione abbiamo due squadre composte da 5 elementi a cui si aggiunge un elemento che riveste il ruolo…

4 VS 4

by Damir Vučić Setup: ... Pitch 1 x 30x30m & 1 x 45x30, balls, cones Instructions: ... Players are divided into two groups playing the game 4vs4, A) on the goals, B) on the goals with specific…


Alternatives: This drill will also work with the player who lays the ball off getting the ball and going back to the start Progressions: **The ball can be played in the air to work on controlling…


Set up: ...Pitch 35x30m, balls cones... Instructions: ... Create a small pitch suitable for your players, with a goal on either end. Create three teams of 4 players with a GK in each goal. Two…


Players must stay in their own half out of possession meaning it is essentially a 3v2 (using GKs feet) in your half and when the ball is transferred into the other half a player can support the…


similar to the warm up but shooting player attempts to get through the gate on their way to goal, they can chose not to use the gate as decision making is down to them. if they don't go through the…


4v4 in the middle aiming to hit your striker. once this happens a player from the other team can drop back to defend 2v1 the team in possession can use their defender to keep the ball but the…


10 players and 2 balls (ignore bibs) pass the ball in sequence focusing on quality of technique and speed of play

ESERCIZIO 63….. 23.9.2017

ESERCIZIO PER ALLENARE LE TRANSIZIONI In questa esercitazione abbiamo inizialmente due squadre composte da 7 elementi + 1 jolly che sono disposti come segue : • Nella metà campo sinistra avremo un…